Meet Olive, Pig Grew Up With Three Dogs Convinced That It’s A Dog (VIDEO)

8 years pig Olive lives in Australia with his three friends and Nick and Alice, the people who keep them as spoiled children.

Over the years growing up with three dogs Olive learned how to play, to eat, to sleep like any normal dog. If any of your friends start barking and running down the street, Olive is always up to him, not knowing barking.

Alice is fortunately a photographer who makes excellent photos of the inseparable friendship.

Most of the photographs in the company of dogs, and its owners claim that itself behaves like one of them as many funny and cute.


– Every moment of the day carried out with them, play with them, sleep with them. If the dogs they see something interesting but go running after them, and it will do the same thing – they said Alissa and Nick Childs Daily Mail.

She was joined the family last year in October, and since always doing something interesting, Alice has a pile of her lovely photos shared on Instagram. Caught thus in many positions is typically for dogs, and seems to relish every moment that carried with them.


Olive can even bark at the opposite dogs if someone tries to steal her dinner.

Alissa and Nick have variety of foster domestic animals — together with goats and chickens — on their property, so that they were a small amount stunned to ascertain Olive bond thus closely with the dogs. in an exceedingly post on Instagram, Alissa confessed that she and Nick were terribly troubled regarding however she would fare with Lola, as their bulldog has not taken kindly to any of the opposite domestic animals on the property.


But inside many days, Olive started treating the cantankerous Lola as her mother, and therefore the bully bulldog responded in a similar way. Alissa says Olive follows Lola systematically and cuddles up against her, and Lola enjoys it, even defrayal hours grooming her “puppy.”
