Amazing Pictures Show Puppy Grow To Bigger Than Her Owner In 8 Months

Amazing pictures show puppy grow to bigger than her owner in 8 months.

Nasra the puppy has become a viral sensation since monthly pictures of her from eight weeks old were shared online.

Puppy owners know their little bundles of fur don’t stay tiny for long – but this German Shepherd has stunned her owners with her incredible growth in just EIGHT MONTHS.

Nasra’s owners kept an ongoing gallery of her development over the period of time she went from a small puppy to almost the size of a human being.

Posting it on Reddit, commenters have gone mad for the difference, which is apparent as owner Ashley Lewis struggles to hold Nasra in the most recent picture.

In a post entitled ” 8 weeks to 8 months “, Ashley, 26, and partner Alex Dennison, 25, who live in Googong, New South Wales, in Australia, say the long stock coat German Shepherd has sprouted but she’s still a puppy at heart.

They told Daily Mail Australia that they knew Nasra was going to be big, but they didn’t expect this.

” We knew given the breed that she was going to be a big girl , but we didn’t really notice day to day how big she was getting.

“It was only when we looked back at these progression pictures that we realised how much she’d grown,” Alex explained.

Female German Shepherds can grow to more than five stone in weight, measuring 24in at the withers, the upper portion of their back.

Apparently, Nasra is almost full-size, but not quite.

She’s currently making her way through 20kg of dry dog food a month, with meat, oats and treats on top of that.

The post has gone viral, with more than three million views in a week.

Justabanana wrote: “Poor puppy. His human is shrinking,” while WindWaker74 added: “I feel like his head never grew which makes the earlier pictures look hilarious.”


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